by Tracy Ward | Jan 17, 2020 | Blog Updates, Health & wellbeing, Lifestyle
I absolutely loved the extended time off work and being at home over the festive period, however once January came around I felt compelled to get back to normal routine, back to business as usual, and get the house and everything else in my life in order! This of...
by Tracy Ward | Dec 31, 2019 | Health & wellbeing, Lifestyle
Cue the standard “New Year” post from every blogger out there! However I’m not one for the New Year resolutions and as per my post last year I’m doing the same this year. I’m going to try to focus on certain things rather than set...
by Tracy Ward | May 10, 2015 | Fitness, Lifestyle
Can you believe we are almost half way through the year? Time seems to have just rushed by these past couple of months for me and recently I have been checking up on what I intended to do this year. New Year plans and goal setting seemed great in January, but where...
by Tracy Ward | Dec 31, 2014 | Fitness, Lifestyle, Pilates
Not long left to go! New Year is always the time we make new plans, whether it is to get fit, get started on a new routine, healthy diet, or lifestyle change. This offers as a fresh start after all the over-indulging over the festive holidays and interruptions to our...