by Tracy Ward | Mar 6, 2019 | Blog Updates, Health & wellbeing, Pilates
Having a flexible spine is key to restoring your whole body and spine mobility! Since your spine generally has to move with most other movements, it is important to ensure it is flexible and able to move as much as you require, without discomfort. Around 80% of the...
by Tracy Ward | Apr 22, 2018 | Health & wellbeing, Pilates
Pilates is one of the best forms of treatment for back pain! Why it is effective may be less clear so here we explain why pilates could work for you. Firstly, we use our backs for almost every single task in daily life therefore it is inevitable that we will...
by Tracy Ward | Jul 18, 2015 | Pilates
Wearing: To The Beat 3/4 Dance Leggings and Chaturanga Yoga Vest. Recently I’ve had a large number of new pilates clients and enquiries from those who have never done pilates before. Firstly- Great that you want to start Pilates! Secondly, I thought I’d...
by Tracy Ward | Jun 12, 2015 | Pilates
A healthy spine is a healthy body, in my opinion! This post comes to you from Sheffield! I’m down South for a few days for a sports event and after travelling by train for a whole day, and then spending a full day in an ice rink, I’m definitely going to...
by Tracy Ward | Aug 15, 2014 | Pilates
Your questions answered! I receive many questions about general Pilates, the exercises, and general fitness queries when I am teaching and just as many via email! So I’ve decided to create a theme to answer your questions on a regular basis! Not found your...