Questions answered-How long to strengthen my core?

Questions answered-How long to strengthen my core?

I hope you are having a great weekend! It has FINALLY started to snow a little here so I’m staying warm indoors and answering your questions! There are so many questions asked all the time regarding “How long it takes to strengthen your core”, and...
Questions answered! Part 2!

Questions answered! Part 2!

This series of questions are very varied, but ones that I have been asked repeatedly over the past few weeks! I hope they help! Here we are talking breathing, pregnancy, and toning! Question 1: I always seem to breathe the wrong way with the Pilates exercises! Why is...
Questions answered! Part 2!

Questions Answered! By a Pilates Teacher

Your questions answered! I receive many questions about general Pilates, the exercises, and general fitness queries when I am teaching and just as many via email! So I’ve decided to create a theme to answer your questions on a regular basis! Not found your...