This past week or so things have slowly started opening up here as we move through the Covid-19 pandemic, but for my business it is still very much remaining in it’s “new normal” state of exclusively online. This is not necessarily a bad thing either. I was so against moving online (read more about that here) when lockdown was first enforced in the middle of March, however I have truly adapted, made some changes and I am thoroughly enjoying getting to teach more often with less commuting and having so much more energy to give now with the change in schedule.

This past weekend however I suddenly felt exhausted. I felt so incredibly tired physically and mentally and I couldn’t explain why- as I just said above I am actually enjoying my new work routine for the moment and things are going well.

Then I read about the Post high-stress slump (thank you @thepsychologymum). This occurs when your body adapts to a new risk or situation (Covid!) by producing excess adrenaline (fight or flight hormone) along with other chemical interactions to prepare and cope with this new threat. If this threat doesn’t pass your brain has to continue working at full speed and so it produces additional cortisol (stress hormone) to ensure you remain on high alert. This constant production of these hormones and the ongoing  adaptations and anxiety (even subconsciously) use up a lot of your body’s energy!

Once this new threat or situation eases (in my case, I’ve adapted to the new normal and feel “settled” in where I am at with the situation) we suddenly experience a heightened awareness of this depleted energy as we realise the high stress we have been running with for a prolonged period of time.

180 hamstring stretch

I have only cancelled one class since lockdown and been working flat out on improving and progressing my business (in between my physio job, housework, and mum life!) and I have loved feeling so motivated to do so. But now I’ve realised this is actually a thing and my body needs a little reset. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been scared to take a day off, initially because things were hard to get up and running and the fear that If you stop, your clients stop and the momentum slows down; and secondly because it has been such a huge learning process with things to always work on and develop it has left little time for taking time away (which has been enjoyable mostly!).

The result

I took a night off teaching last weekend. I cancelled my running and weights training for this entire week. I made time to actually just sit and watch Netflix! I turned off my phone notifications and emails for certain periods. I really prioritised my To Do lists and anything that could wait has waited. I have a whole week off of my physio job next week too so I have scheduled in my training sessions and planned what work I have to focus on for that week. I have some catch ups with friends planned. And I hope to spend a bit more time on my mat reconnecting with my own Pilates practise rather than what I’ve pre-planned for work sessions. This is so important to keep things fresh and flowing and do what works for me as well as my clients.

The result? Feeling rested, fresh, and energised again once my body has had time to recover from this post high-stress/lockdown slump! Watch this space soon for what I have been working on!